Trust objectives, Trust property

Trust objectives

Trust objectives are the goals that the settlor seeks to achieve by creating the trust. They become the guidelines for the trustee’s conduct.
Trust objectives can be established in various ways, but there are a number of restrictions. For example, trusts may not be established for the purpose that a person who may not enjoy a certain property right under law and regulation may enjoy that property as the beneficiary.

Trust property

The trust property means the property which belongs to a trustee and which should be administered and disposed of by the trustee on behalf of the beneficiaries, in accordance with the trust objectives.
When the trust is created, the trust property is transferred from the settlor to the trustee. There are no restrictions on the types of property that the settlor can entrust to the trustee.

Property may include:

  • Money
  • Securities (equities, government bonds, etc.)
  • Monetary claims (loan claims, lease/credit receivables, etc.)
  • Personal property
  • Land, buildings
  • Intellectual property rights (patent rights, copyright, etc.)

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